In these times of uncertainty there seems to be so much change and so little we can truly count on! However, our sovereign God is still in control, still on His throne, still pouring out His grace and mercy. Jesus is still at the right hand of the Father to intercede on our behalf. The Holy Spirit still moves in the hearts and lives of His people to bring us reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.
Prayer is not closed!
God's love is not closed!
In light of the orders given by state and local officials to "Shelter in Place" we at Taylor Baptist Church will suspend all activities at the church building until this order has been lifted. We will continue to worship together using social media, our web site and this blog. The schedule for our live stream services via FACEBOOK live will be:
Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning
on the Taylor Baptist Church group page on FACEBOOK.
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning
on my (Mike Vanderlip) personal FACEBOOK page.
Sunday Night Youth Service - 6:00 p.m.
on my (Mike Vanderlip) personal FACEBOOK page.
Wednesday Night KIDZ KLUB - 6:30 p.m.
on my (Mike Vanderlip) personal FACEBOOK page.
Please help us get the word out to everyone about these opportunities to worship together, separately! We need to remain faithful to God, our Church and each other during these difficult days!
Additionally if you desire to worship through your tithes and offerings we have a few ways for you to do that very thing.
1. Mail your checks to:
Taylor Baptist Church
P.O. Box 42
Taylor, MS 38673
2. Drop off your Offerings:
Ms. Jonnie Manning will accept your offering at her home.
For contact free drop off please call Ms. Jonnie prior to
stopping by her house!
Please stay safe!
In His Service,
Bro. Mike "MOSES" Vanderlip
